
Sentek Helps Santos Create Clean Energy

Sentek helps Santos create clean energySantos is one of Australia’s leading gas producers, supplying Australian and Asian customers. The growth of the coal seam gas (CSG) sector represents a major opportunity to help Australia and the region move to a cleaner, less carbon-intensive future.

As a CSG industry leader Santos is at the forefront of this growth, and is working closely with environmental protection specialists of the Queensland Government in the implementation of strict new guidelines in CSG (coal seam gas) water treatment and subsequent beneficial use for aquifer recharge, surface water augmentation, irrigation, construction, dust suppression in the gasfields or stockwater use. Agreement on this balance of beneficial uses has involved close consultation with landholders, local/regional government councils, other community stakeholders and State and Federal Government Agencies.

Santos’ Queensland CSG fields are in the Fairview, Roma and Arcadia Valley areas.
Irrigation will beneficially utilise between 45% and 80% of treated CSG water.

Santos seeks to maximise the environmental, community and business benefits from the irrigation of forage-based grazing systems, forest plantations and native forest regeneration on suitable land and soil systems and is utilising Sentek Technologies precision greening systems to manage the sustainable use of treated CSG water on specific crops on specific soils in a range of catchments.

In the Fairview Irrigation Project Area Santos expects to have by the end of 2012 reached its irrigation target of 2600 ha of irrigated land including Chinchilla White Gum, forest plantation species, native forest regeneration and forages. Irrigation systems currently consist of a mixture of drip, sprinkler and centre pivot. Whilst the dominant forage system on Santos owned land and collaborating landholder properties will be centre pivot irrigated leucaena and well adapted sub-tropical grasses there will be variations involving zero-tilled winter forages to provide a more even demand for irrigation water.

To maintain the fine balance between maximising irrigation volumes, promoting tree plantation and forage crop health and minimising environmental impacts, Sentek soil moisture and salinity sensors, along with a range of other precision environmental monitoring devices, have been deployed across the tree plantation and forage crop areas. Used by both irrigation managers and external advisors, the data from the sensors is continually used to refine and adapt irrigation management to maintain environmental conditions compliance and maximise water use efficiency, achieve target leaching fractions. Technologies including appropriate decision-support computer software, provides continuous data which shows:

  • how much water the trees and crops are using each day
  • optimal times for further irrigations
  • any changes in salt levels and vertical and lateral distribution within the soil profile
  • how irrigation amount and frequency is managed below to ensure root zone drainage within the guidelines set in the irrigation management plan
  • that vertical or horizontal movement of below root zone drainage does not impact upon ephemeral streams or shallow or deep groundwater aquifers
  • appropriate times for further monitoring

With the CSG industry expanding rapidly, these innovative precision management decision making approaches to managing wastewater will support the CSG industry in its competitiveness and in achieving sustainable environmental outcomes.

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