An alliance of businesses in the business of water

Pricing review: SA Liberal’s ‘headline water commitment’

March 19, 2018

The newly-elected South Australian Liberal-led government is likely to undergo an independent pricing review into water.

Minister for Environment and Water, Hon David Speirs MP, told the 2018 Water Outlook Breakfast event in February, while still in opposition, that the review will look at all aspects of water pricing from households to businesses, and the provision of water in South Australia.

“The people of South Australia, particularly in our regions and our outer suburbs, when they get water bills in the mail they are too scared to open them,” he said. “We have a situation where SA Water bills are being used as a quasi-land tax based on the value of properties and we need to take a really serious look at that.

“We will do everything we can to lower South Australian water bills.”

Click here to read more about the plans for an independent pricing review.